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Affirmations are useful tools for managing your thought life. Use them to reframe negative self-talk. Click here to sample.

Sweet Thoughts Affirmation Tracks

1. Introduction

2. Sleep Well

3. Self-Esteem

4. Stress Management

5. Time Management

6. Goal Setting & Attainment

7. Extraordinary Relationships

8. God's Promises


Sweet Thoughts Affirmations CD Album

The "Sweet Thoughts Affirmation" CD Album includes affirmations that are useful tools for managing your thought life. Use them to reframe negative self-talk. Eight tracks are included on this CD that will be shipped in a jewel case.


Sweet Thoughts Affirmations MP3 Album

The "Sweet Thoughts Affirmations" MP3 Album includes 7 positive affirmation tracks set to soothing music. Use them to reframe negative self-talk. Eight tracks are included on this MP3.



Introduction MP3 Track

The "Introduction" track of the Sweet Thoughts Affirmations album includes a description on how to use the affirmation tracks safely for the best results.


FREE!! This is the Introductory track for Sweet Thoughts Affirmation(s). It provides instructions for using affirmation(s). The benefits of affirmations are discussed. Be sure to listen to the Introduction track for Sweet Thoughts Affirmations before using the tracks.


Sleep Well MP3 Track

The "Sleep Well" track of the Sweet Thoughts Affirmations album includes affirmations that promote healthy sleep practices.


Sleep deprivation is a huge problem. The Sleep Well track of The Sweet Thoughts Affirmations provides aspirational statements and tips on improving your sleep. Its purpose it to promote healthy sleep hygiene. Be sure to listen to the Introduction track for Sweet Thoughts Affirmations before using this track.


Self-Esteem MP3

The "Self-Esteem" track of Sweet Thoughts Affirmations album includes affirmations that promote self-esteem.


When you listen to your self-thought do you say negative, pessimistic, and self-deprecating things about yourself? If so, you may benefit from this Self-Esteem track from the Sweet Thoughts Affirmation Album. Be sure to listen to the Introduction track for Sweet Thoughts Affirmations before using this track.


Stress Management MP3 Track

The "Stress Management" track of Sweet Thoughts Affirmations album includes affirmations that promote stress reduction and management.


We live in stressful times. The Stress Management track of the Sweet Thoughts Affirmations album reflects on thoughts that created to promote stress reduction. Each affirmation serves as a reminder about how to manage your stress. Be sure to listen to the Introduction track for Sweet Thoughts Affirmations before using this track.


Time Management MP3 Track

The "Time Management" track includes affirmations that promote improved organization and time management.


Are you overwhelmed with all the things that you need to do? Do you wish you had more time in the day? The "Time Management" track of Sweet Thoughts Affirmations album encourages you to consider adopting new ways to think about and use your time. The purpose of this track is to promote effective time management. Be sure to listen to the Introduction track for Sweet Thoughts Affirmations before using this track.


Goal Setting & Attainment MP3 Track

The "Goal Setting & Attainment" track of "Sweet Thoughts Affirmations" album includes affirmations that promote goal setting and attainment.


Goals increase the likelihood that you will be successful. The Goal Attainment track of the "Sweet Thoughts Affirmations" album encourages thoughts and actions that most likely increase the chances for the fulfillment of your plans and goals. Be sure to listen to the Introduction track for Sweet Thoughts Affirmations before using this track.


Extraordinary Relationships MP3 Track

The "Extraordinary Relationships" track of "Sweet Thoughts Affirmations" album include affirmations that promote extraordinary relationships.


When it comes right down to it, we need relationships to feel a sense of belonging and connection. The absence of quality relationship skills can be painful for you, injure friends and family, and even hamper your career success. The Extraordinary Relationships track of the "Sweet Thoughts Affirmations" album shares some thoughts that promote healthy relationships. Be sure to listen to the Introduction track for Sweet Thoughts Affirmations before using this track.


God's Promises MP3 Track

The "God's Promises" track of Sweet Thoughts Affirmations album includes affirmations that reminds you of God's promises.


It is so easy to get anxious, depressed, or out of sort when things aren't going your way. The God's Promises track of the Sweet Thoughts Affirmations album seeks to remind you that God has made unbreakable promises that apply to you and your situation. Be sure to listen to the Introduction track for Sweet Thoughts Affirmations before using this track.



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